
What can I say? I love what I do; and I’m good at it because I’ve been enjoying images of women my whole life. Even as a young boy I was precocious about girls. It’s been my life-long passion and always will be.

Every woman is uniquely special and every photo session is a chance to make magic.

What makes me unique as a boudoir photographer is the connection and rapport that I build with the women I’m photographing. I’m a people person and I like to make my models feel comfortable, have fun, and amaze them with images of their own breathtaking beauty and awesomeness. It’s my superpower.

I’m not afraid to get in touch with my feminine side. I just have this uncanny ability to draw women out, really listen, read between the lines, and end up with a thrilling set of photos to enjoy.

It’s also a matter of knowing when to lead and when to follow. 

I look forward to working with you, so let’s set up your free consultation and capture your sexy beauty.

PS The photographer who took this photo got a little carried away with the editing, so I only look that smooth if you squint really hard and have too much to drink.