Top Ten Excuses—Shattered!

Okay yes, getting beautiful glamorous boudoir photos is not a requirement in life. But if
you’d like to get these photos taken then you should do it. There’s lots of excuses not to
do it, or put it off, and we’ve heard almost all of them.

I’m not photogenic and don’t know how to take good pictures.

Believe it or not, this is actually a myth. We convince ourselves that we’re not photogenic
and then we sabotage our photos to create a self-fulling prophecy. Let us guide you. Once
you’ve had our photo session, not only will you get unbelievably fantastic photographs of yourself (guaranteed), but you’ll learn the secrets to take great photos for the rest of your life (no extra charge).


I’m not pretty enough or don’t have the right kind of look.

You are pretty enough and you do have the look. You just may need the right kind of direction
to create that look for the camera. We’ve got you on this. If your instinct is pulling you in this direction, you should follow it.


I don’t have the right body type.

There is no one perfect body type. Every woman has a body and it’s a miraculous gift that gives
virtually infinite sensation and pleasure. Cherish it. Photograph it. It’s the perfect body for the life you’re leading, and we encourage you to love the skin you’re in. We are expert in creating poses that will flatter you (regardless of your body type). Some women look right at their photos with their own eyes and can’t believe it’s them. The boudoir experience is one of the most empowering experiences you may ever have!

I need to lose ten pounds first.

Okay, if you want to lose ten pounds, go ahead and do that—right after you book your photo
session. Put money on the line and create a sense of urgency, and the ten pounds you want to lose will come right off. Incidentally, you don’t need to lose ten pounds first, but we support you if that’s what you want to do.

I don’t know how to act sexy or pose sexy.

This is every woman’s worst fear. The photographer adjusts the lights, fiddles with the camera, points the camera at you and says, “Act sexy.” LOL We’ve probably all been in that situation, on one side of the camera or the other. The photos in our portfolio tell the tale. We’ll not only make sure you look super sexy, but you’ll actually have a fun time doing it. It’s not uncommon to strike a super sexy pose in one moment and then bust out laughing the next.


I’d be too nervous or embarrassed and self-conscious about being naked.

Read everything else on this website and come back to this one. We’re here to celebrate your
beauty, and you’re here to shine your light. We all have parts of our body that we wish were
different and that we liked better. That’s part of the human experience. But don’t use it as an
excuse to deprive the world of your beauty. Don’t play small. Get out of your comfort zone and
see how great life can be on the other side.

On a related note, people have been enjoying images of nude women since before the stone age. (I wasn’t there, but I’m guessing). It’s timeless and nothing is more beautiful or natural. True, you can’t help but be a little nervous the first time you get nude in front of a stranger, but it will quickly pass and you’ll be laughing about it by the end. And for your trouble, you will grow stronger and more confident in your feminine power.

And just a reminder, if getting nude isn’t in your comfort zone, you don’t have to do it. But we may encourage you to try it because it’s liberating and empowering.

I don’t have anyone to share the photos with.

Do it anyway. Do it for yourself. The whole boudoir photo experience is a gift to yourself and you will enjoy it for many many years to come. Having someone else to share the photos with is a bonus. And who knows, if you treat yourself to this amazing experience, maybe you’ll have someone to share the photos with before they even get printed? We never know when Cupid is going to draw his bow, but creating life-changing photos like these will surely be a big step in the right direction. See for yourself how incredibly beautiful, sexy and gorgeous you really are, and it will help you manifest the lover of your dreams.

It’s too expensive.

What we find here are women who are open to the boudoir experience, and maybe they’d like to do it, but they don’t fully recognize the value in it, or at least not yet. Once a woman has come to recognize the value and wants to have the experience, she’ll figure out a way to pay for it. She can buy it outright, pay for it over time, pick up extra income, get it as a gift from a loved one, trade it for services, or a variety of other means.

I can’t afford it right now.

We don’t mean to imply that this is a flimsy excuse. Having this experience is an investment in your time, energy, and finances. We believe that an experience like this one will pay off handsomely for many years to come; but only you can decide how and when to make the investments that are right for you. Good luck.

I don’t want to travel to Denver.

That’s fine, I’ll come to you. Join me for your free consultation (online or in person), and we’ll put a package together to arrange your photo shoot just about anywhere on the face of the planet (outer space soon).