Your Special Day


Your boudoir experience at YourSexyBeauty is about so much more than creating stunning photos. 

It’s about re-discovering how special and beautiful you are—and seeing yourself in a whole new light.
It’s about expressing your essence and capturing the many facets of your personality—the good girl,
the bad girl, the powerful badass, the sultry seductress, the glamorous movie star, the eye-candy, the
hopeless romantic and so much more. From classy to trashy, whatever makes your heart sing.

In all the Universe and all of space and time, there is only one you. You are here to shine your light
and the boudoir experience is a great way to capture the essence of who you are. It’s empowering
and will boost your confidence to new heights. Imagine looking at a stand full of magazine models
and thinking, “I’m rockin’ it too, bitches!” 

Revealing your photos is a magical experience and you should expect to be so blown away that you
won’t even believe it’s you. Many women are so moved they cry tears of joy. Empowering women this
way is my gift. If I tell you that you’re beautiful and sexy you may not believe me, but if I show you
how beautiful you are, then you have to believe your own eyes.


During our time together we are focused on you and your experience. Our goal is to make you feel
comfortable every step of the way. We will walk you through the poses step-by-step so that you can
have fun and enjoy this unforgettable experience. Many women enjoy the experience so much that
they come back for more photo sessions.

On the day of your shoot, you will arrive about 9:00 and go into hair and make-up. After your spectacular
make-over, we’ll go over your wardrobe and start shooting. We’ll work together for about two to three hours
and capture dozens of spectacular photos of you. It’s not about watching the clock or counting outfit changes.
It’s about quality time and working together to bring out the magic that only you can bring. We hold out the
whole day just for you, so you won’t have to worry about feeling rushed or running out of time.

We’ll be done in time for you to go out for a fantastic lunch. You might want to meet your best friend(s) for lunch
because you’ll be walking on a cloud. After lunch, you can return for your same-day photo reveal session and
prepare to be amazed. None of that waiting around for two weeks jazz. Our goal is to provide you with the most
stunning and breathtaking photos of yourself that you’ve ever seen.


You will be pampered and treated like a rock star! It’s your very special day and it’s our pleasure to serve you.