We recommend a Mani/Pedi.

We recommend French style nails in natural or full acrylic for maximum elegance and color compliments. We don’t recommend press-on nails, but if you want your nails painted, we suggest classical colors like red or light pink.

Other trimming and grooming.

If needed, we recommend your eyebrows are shaped at least a day or two before the shoot, so that nothing will irritate your skin during your makeover. Your makeover will also include tasteful false eyelashes (unless you don’t want them). Some women ask about grooming their bikini area, and we say to wear it (or not) however makes you feel the most sexy. It’s all good.

Go on a carb fast.

For two or three days before the shoot, eliminate fast carbs like bread, cereal, crackers, pastries, desserts, candy, and so on. This will help you shed water weight/bloating.

Speaking of bloating…

For women who are very sensitive to their periods or bloating, the best time for the photo shoot is the week beginning one week after your period ends (when ovulation begins). If we say your period starts on day one, then the optimum time is days 14 through 21.

Meet your best friend(s) for lunch.

On our normal schedule you should be able to plan to meet your best friend(s) for lunch around 12:30 to 1:00—and then head back for the big reveal around 2:00 - 2:30. Don’t forget, this is your special day.

Bring some of your favorite music.

We’ll have a bluetooth speaker for you and plenty of great music. But I’ve often been accused of being stuck in the 80’s (guilty). Actually, in my mix I have Taylor Swift, Maroon 5, and Bruno Mars, but please bring your own jams to be on the safe side. Yes, we called it jams in the 80’s.